Do you know that just like your face and eyes, your nail shape can reflect your personality and behavior? Whether your nails are real or artificial, they can project about you. So, if you’re going to the best nail extension in Gurgaon for your nail extension or other nail services, it is important to know what the nail shape you want can say about your personality.
1. Triangle or fan-shaped
People with triangle or fan-shaped nails with the point down or wider at the tip generally have high-strung and anxious personalities. People with inverted triangle nails can be pushy, while an upright triangle shape reflects the over-sensitive nature of a person. If you have triangular nails, you are a sensitive genius and quickly get aware of the minute details in anything.
2. Almond
This nail shape is associated with a personality that is more refined, honest, faithful, emotionally sensitive, and gentle. People with such nails are short-tempered, especially for unacceptable things, but are polite. They are a romantic and dedicated soul with polite and sincere behavior. They can be sentimental regarding things and hardly lose their cool nature. Almond-shaped nails reflect that you don’t like cruelty and injustice.
3. Square
People who have square nails tend to use their power of judgment and are more strong-minded, independent, courageous, and determined. They are friendly and stick to the individual who they care about the most. Usually, males have this shape of nails, which differentiates them as courageous and unique. This shape tells about a tendency towards quick thinking and impatience. Advocates, businessmen, judges, and politicians mostly have square-shaped nails.
4. Broad
You have a better quality of self and mentality if you have broad and square nails. People with this shape are broad-minded person, well-balanced, honest, easy-going, and calm. They express their thoughts in a straightforward manner without any filter and sugar coating. This is the reason they may seem short-tempered, mean, and argumentative at times although they don’t mean that intentionally.
5. Oval
The oval or round fingernail shape reveals the personality of an open-minded, positive, happy, creative, and dramatic person. People having oval nails better understand how to describe what is on their minds and always remain fully confident. They are admired by other people for being humble and have good relationships with all types of people compared to individuals with other nail types.
6. Vertically long
It is likely that people with vertically long nails are mild-tempered romanticists. They tend to be pragmatic, highly creative, calm, and meticulous. They are more interested in doing things independently and are generally short-tempered. Compared to the left brain, the right brain is more developed. That’s a reason they find difficulty in understanding when dealing with the logical left-brained type.
7. Sword shaped
This type of nail shape reveals the personality of a hard-working and ambitious person. When these types of people are poor in the cooperation department, they’ll feel impatient when having a companionship of highly relaxed people.
8. Stiletto 
This nail shape shows the personality of being highly open-minded. These people have a great fan following as they better understand how to make an appearance among other people.
Alongside these shapes, some more nail types can reflect your personality. Bitten nails are a sign of body weakness and depict a nervous temperament. Embedded or spoon nails are found due to skin disorders, nutritional deficiencies, and mental deficiencies. When you visit the best salon in Gurgaon – Grace & Glamour, the experts will ask you about your preferred nail shape before providing services.
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