‘Holier than thou’ Week – Ready for Glamour: Get Mani-Pedi Ready

‘Holier than thou’ Week – Ready for Glamour: Get Mani-Pedi Ready

‘Holier than thou’ Week – Ready for Glamour Get Mani-Pedi Ready

We hope you went ahead and played yourself colourful this Holi since our #Nothing is holier than thy body Holi blogs tell you all about how Grace & Glamour salon services help you roll around in colours without worrying about hair & skin damage and even flaunt your fabulous festy side!

Stains on your nails

Okay, so your fingernails look like they have been dipped in sauce. Yup, you played well then! HAHA!

After Holi, your nails may be damaged due to exposure to chemicals and colours. Some common signs of nail damage after Holi include discolouration, dryness, brittleness, and peeling. However, with proper care, you can repair and restore your nails back to health.

Grace & Glamour team put together some general tips for your #postholinailcare

Keep your nails clean: After playing Holi, it’s important to clean your nails thoroughly with soap and warm water. This helps to remove any traces of colour and chemicals from your nails.

Moisturize your nails and cuticles: Nail damage can cause dryness and cracking, so it’s important to moisturize your nails and cuticles regularly. You can use a cuticle oil or a moisturizing cream to keep your nails hydrated.

Avoid using harsh nail products: Avoid using harsh nail products, such as acetone or nail polish remover, as they can dry out your nails even further. Instead, use a gentle, non-acetone nail polish remover.

Use a nail strengthener: A nail strengthener can help to repair and strengthen your nails. Look for products that contain ingredients such as keratin and biotin, which can help to promote healthy nail growth.

Get a professional manicure: After Holi, your nails and cuticles may become stained due to exposure to colours and chemicals for long duration of the celebration. This is where Grace & Glamour’s post-Holi manicure/pedicure comes in handy. Not only will it help to remove any stubborn stains, but it will also leave your nails looking clean and healthy.

So, readers, don’t avoid this aftercare. There are benefits to meni/pedi you clearly can’t neglect!

Removes stubborn stains

Grace & Glamour’s professional manicure/pedicure can help to remove any stubborn stains from your nails and cuticles. During the process, your Glamour nail technician will use special tools and products to gently scrub away any traces of Holi colour, leaving your nails looking clean and healthy.

Hydrates and nourishes

Hydrates and Nourishes Skin


After being exposed to harsh chemicals, your nails, and cuticles may be dehydrated. A manicure/pedicure will help to hydrate and nourish your nails and cuticles, leaving them soft and smooth.

Improves Blood Circulation

improves blood circulation


During a manicure/pedicure, your hands and feet are massaged, which helps to improve blood circulation. This will help to reduce swelling and inflammation in your hands and feet, which may have been caused by Holi activities.

Enhances appearance

Grace & Glamour’s professional manicure/pedicure helps to enhance the appearance of your nails. Our nail technician can shape and file your nails to your desired length and shape, and apply nail polish or nail art for a pop of colour and style. Currently, Grace & Glamour is offering Nail Gel Paint & Extension at just Rs. 999, which is perfect for adding a pop of color to your nails after Holi. Additionally, we also offer RICA wax at just Rs. 99 with pedicure/manicure, ensuring your nails look as good as new. So, Gurgaon walo, don’t stop, make it pop!

Grace and Glamour

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